More than a quarter of all road traffic collisions involve a person driving for work, so it is important that organisations are well informed about how to respond to an incident involving their employees and/or assets.
“Traffic collisions that involve company cars, vans or freight vehicles can cost companies a significant amount of money in vehicle repair fees, increased insurance premiums, court defence costs and time off work due to injuries,” says Craig Arnold, Senior Consultant at TRL and course instructor. “Ultimately, under a duty of care, it is important for organisations to have the knowledge and ability in-house to assess the contributory factors to collisions in order to make recommendations to prevent incidents in the future,” he concludes.
TRL’s course is delivered by experienced collision investigators and is accredited for CPD. The course will cover legal responsibilities, types of investigation, foundations of collision investigation, scene examination, the gathering of evidence, and understanding human and road design factors. There is a practical emphasis throughout and all attendees are encouraged to think about the ways of introducing improvements in their organisation to reduce the risks of further collisions.
To sign up, contact TRL on 01344 770892 or via email at
Download the course prospectus here.