A SIPT process for concrete road surfaces
Published: Dec 2019
ISBN: 978-1-913246-12-9
Author: P D Sanders
Pages: 16
Reference: PPR928
DownloadThere are discrepancies in the Specification for Highways Works (SHW) between the requirements for asphalt and concrete materials. Furthermore the current SHW documents require updating to take into account modern construction techniques and advances in technology and the understanding of road surface properties on user safety.
The aim of the work reported in this document is to assess an amendment to Clause 1026 of the SHW made in February of 2016 (Highways England, 2016). The amended clause aimed to bring the requirements for new concrete roads in line with those required of asphalt roads by specifying texture depth and high speed locked-wheel friction performance criteria.
This report was originally provided to Highways England as an unpublished report in 2016. This report is being made available now because the information within underpins some of the changes in the revised MCHW 1000 series.