Bus Stop Bypasses have been introduced over the past few years at sites on London’s Cycle Superhighways to facilitate the segregation of cyclists from general traffic. A Bus Stop Bypass routes the cycle track behind a bus stop thus allowing cyclists to avoid the challenges of overtaking stopped buses. This physical layout requires that the path of cyclists and those pedestrians boarding and alighting buses will cross, leading to potentially new interactions between them where pedestrians cross the cycle track. A study was undertaken by TRL to compare the impacts on pedestrian and cyclist behaviour and perceptions of two different crossing types – uncontrolled crossings and zebra crossings. This report describes the findings from user surveys. The findings from video observations, and accompanied visits with disabled people, are reported separately. Surveys were undertaken of both pedestrians and cyclists at six Bus Stop Bypass sites across London, both in uncontrolled crossing and zebra crossing configurations.
Bus Stop Bypasses: Pedestrians and cyclists survey
Published: Jul 2018
ISBN: 978-1-912433-35-3
Author: Greenshields, S. and Davidson, S.
Pages: 64
Reference: PPR855