Development of a New Cycle Helmet Assessment Programme (NCHAP)
Published: Nov 2019
ISBN: 978-1-913246-04-4
Author: P. Martin, V. StClair, A. Sutch, R. Khatry, S. O’Connell, D. Hynd
Pages: 18
Reference: PPR920
DownloadThe report first provides an overview of the project background, aims and approach in the Introduction, before following this with a section to summarise the literature review and six stand-alone sections for each of the work packages. These six key work packages consisted of four experimental studies, one international cycle helmet safety workshop and one desk-based work package to draft the New Cycle Helmet Assessment Programme (NCHAP) testing and assessment protocols. Finally, the Future Research Requirements and Project Conclusions sections summarised the outcomes and conclusions of the project and its future research recommendations.