Local Roads Network Condition Monitoring
Published: Jan 2020
Author: Alex Wright
Pages: 8
DownloadVOCAL Roads is a group inspired by the road network asset condition survey community, including data and asset management providers. It is not a commercial group. Its aims are to bring together best practice and real world experience of how to make best use of condition monitoring data. It will seek to
• demonstrate new data collection and analysis techniques;
• educate Road Authority Asset Managers about the benefits of quality assured data;
• encourage the adoption of new survey technologies;
• re-inforce the need for objective, consistent, and high quality data.
As a group, VOCAL Roads has an ambition to engage with as many Local Highways Authorities as possible, to ensure that its education programme is available to all Authorities. Sharing knowledge, best practice and lessons learned will help Asset Managers -
• make better decisions;
• improve road user experience;
• make roads safer;
• save money.
Asset Managers, by improving their relations with the survey and software providers, will be able to create information which is more easily understood by everyone. Better insights on the condition of local roads will help Asset Managers do their jobs better, leading to satisfied road users.
TRL is both a member of the VOCAL Roads Group and the independent auditor of the SCANNER condition surveys.