SCANNER accredited surveys on local roads in England - accreditation, QA and audit testing - annual report 2009-10

Published: Jan 2011


ISBN: 978-1-84608-910-7

Author: P Werro, I Robinson, E Benbow and A Wright

Pages: 76

Reference: PPR508


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The Department for Transport has appointed TRL as the independent Auditor, to provide the quality assurance services defined in the SCANNER specification. TRL has carried out accreditation testing, quality audits, and provided independent advice and consultancy services to survey contractors, local highway authorities and the Department for Transport in relation to accredited SCANNER surveys carried out on the English local road network. In addition to the survey of the English local road network, SCANNER surveys are carried out on the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland local road networks under separate survey contracts. TRL was requested to apply the SCANNER Quality Assurance procedures to the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish surveys during 2009/10. This report summarises the results of the accreditation testing and quality audits carried out by TRL in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in 2009/10, and also summarises the advice and consultancy provided during the year.

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