The main aim of this study was to determine whether any real factors contribute to the exclusion of cyclists from some pedestrian areas. In these areas where cycling is permitted, it has been achieved by: (a) shared use of the whole, or certain sections of the pedestrian area; (b) combined use with selected motor vehicles (eg buses and service vehicles); (c) time-restricted access; (d) special paths for cyclists. This study was in two stages, in stage one, 1 hour video recordings of pedestrian areas at 12 sites in England and at 9 sites in mainland Europe were taken. In stage two, 12 hour video studies and questionnaires at three sites in England (in Peterborough, Oxford and Chichester) provided detailed information. The main findings from the study are presented. The conclusions of the work are that no real factors are disclosed to account for exclusion of cyclists, and cycling could be more widely permitted in these areas. A copy of the questionnaire used is included in the report.
Cycling in pedestrian areas
Published: Jan 1993
ISBN: 1-84608-974-3
Author: Trevelyan, P,Morgan, JM
Pages: 56
Reference: PR015