The accident liability of car drivers
Published: Oct 1991
Author: G Maycock, C R Lockwood and Julia F Lester
Pages: 38
Reference: RR315
Downloadof these drivers, their characteristics and driving experience. The sample was structured to have four components: for drivers aged 23 and over, a ‘RANDOM’ sub-sample - drivers selected at random, an ‘OLD’ sub-sampie selected so that the combined numbers of the RANDOM+OLD sub-samples would be evenly distributed
over the whole age range, and an ‘INEXPERIENCED’ sub-sample consisting of drivers of all ages who had less than 10 years driving experience at the time the sample
was drawn: the fourth component was a ‘YOUNG’ sub- sample consisting of drivers less than 23 years of age. Each sub-sample included equal numbers of male and
female drivers.