A quantitative study of the attitudes of individuals to cycling

Published: Jan 2001


ISBN: 1-84608-480-6

Author: Davies, D,Gray, S,Gardner, G,Harland, G

Pages: 20

Reference: TRL481


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Detailed quantitative interviews were carried out with 650 people aged 16 or over, and a smaller number of key questions on cycling were included in an 'omnibus' survey with a nationally representative sample of 3000 adults. The aim of the surveys was to provide a conceptual framework that allow promotional campaigning effort, nationally and locally, to be more effectively targeted on specific population groups and associated relevant messages. Non-cyclists did not fit into a single category. The decision to cycle was based on many practical and psychological factors. The least likely people to take up cycling were those who currently do not cycle. Those who already cycle were more likely to be persuaded to cycle more and represented the easiest target for increasing cycling. Encouragement of committed cyclists and regular cyclists was also considered important to prevent them from reverting to non-cyclists. A list of recommendations for increasing cycling is provided.

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