The accident rate of novice drivers decreases markedly during their early driving careers. Graduated licensing systems aim to improve novice driver safety by providing a staged progression from initial learning to unrestricted solo driving. They include measures designed to restrict exposure to risk during early solo driving, exert a supervisory influence over driver behaviour during the first part of a driver's solo driving career and/or improve the level of training and experience accumulated before driving unsupervised without restrictions. TRL was asked by the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions to review graduated licensing and related systems as part of a project to review the practical driving test. This report describes some of the systems currently in use, and summarises the results of published evaluations. Components considered to be potentially suitable for Great Britain are discussed. (A)
Graduated driver licensing - a review of some current systems
Published: Jan 2001
ISBN: 1-84608-528-4
Author: Baughan, CJ,Simpson, HF
Pages: 0
Reference: TRL529