A study of front-mounted bicycle racks on buses

Published: Jan 2004


ISBN: 1-84608-591-8

Author: Lawrence, GJ,Brook-carter, NM

Pages: 60

Reference: TRL592


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This study, commissioned by the Department for Transport, assesses the potential for increased risk and severity of injuries to pedestrians involved in collisions with buses fitted with front-mounted bicycle racks. An extensive literature search was conducted to identify any research investigating the impact of bicycle racks, mounted on buses, on pedestrian injuries. A lack of previously published information was found that directly related to the safety implications of folding front mounted bicycle racks on buses. After analysis of the TRL database of police files of fatal accidents involving buses and coaches, and a mathematical modelling exercise, speed and impact points were recommended for impact testing. A bus, a coach and a front-mounted bike rack were selected for testing, and an informal opinion concerning these vehicles fitted with a bike rack was offered by the Vehicle Inspectorate. Adult and child headform and legform impact tests were carried out on the vehicles, with and without the rack, and with and without bikes and the results of testing the various combinations were analysed and compared. The limitations of the impact testing methodology used in revealing the severity of impalement are discussed. (A)

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