TfL is committed to improving infrastructure for cyclists across the capital to improve safety and encourage an increased demand for cycling from a wider range of cyclist groups. The purpose of this report is to present the findings of on-street research on user attitudes and behaviours observed at two cycle gates at junctions on Cycle Superhighways. Cycle gates have recently been introduced in London, as a method of separating cycle traffic and general traffic at signal-controlled junctions where a significant proportion of motor vehicles turn left. This report presents the findings of research into road user behaviour and attitudes at two cycle gates on Cycle Superhighways, these being at Queen Street Place and at Lambeth Road.
Understanding bicycle movements at traffic light controlled cycle gates
Published: Nov 2018
ISBN: 978-1-912433-31-5
Author: Greenshields, S. Gupta, M. and Wells, A.
Pages: 31
Reference: PPR857