Video analysis of pedestrian and cyclist behaviour

Published: Nov 2018


ISBN: 978-1-912433-34-6

Author: Greenshields, S.

Pages: 59

Reference: PPR854


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Bus Stop Bypasses have been introduced over the past few years at sites on London’s Cycle Superhighways to enable the continuation of segregated routes through bus stops. A Bus Stop Bypass (BSB) routes the cycle track behind a given bus stop. This physical layout requires that the path of cyclists and those pedestrians boarding and alighting buses will cross, leading to potentially new interactions between them where pedestrians cross the cycle track. This research compares the impact on pedestrian and cyclist behaviour of two different crossing types – uncontrolled crossings, and zebra crossings. Observational (video) measurements of the behaviour of cyclists and pedestrians were made at six sites across London both in uncontrolled crossing and later zebra crossing configurations, which allows for comparative measurements to be made to understand the impact of this change. Furthermore each site was configured slightly differently to allow the layout to fit within the local area, and the differences in observed behaviour caused by this are also discussed. Separate reports address research questions related to surveys of pedestrians and cyclists, and accompanied visits to sites with disabled people.

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